(One payment)

Buy A Brick

We’re offering our friends and supporters the opportunity to be a part of this amazing first project and take immediate action to help create regenerative impact. Funds will be used to purchase technology equipment and the first 3 years of program

Donate Here

($100 monthly)

Buy A Brick Subscription

If you are interested in getting a brick, but would like to make multiple payments instead of one $200 payment, you can choose this option and pay in two installments.

Donate Here

(What I can do)

General Contribution

We thought it it important to lead the way so we've built the library on our own. Any contributions made support the purchase of equipment, maintenance and programming.

Donate Here

(One Payment)

Grab A Brick

One of my father’s wishes was that I spread his ashes on foundation of the library I'm building. I mixed his ashes with cement blocks. We’ll send you information for your inscription on the brick. Grab a brick if you can. RQQ!

Donate Here

($250 monthly)

Grab A Brick

One of my father’s wishes was that I spread his ashes on foundation of the library I'm building. I mixed his ashes with cement blocks. We’ll send you information for your inscription on the brick. Grab a brick if you can. RQQ!

Donate Here